Streamline Your Cannabis License Journey with SOP Templates.

Are you ready to embark on the journey of opening your own cannabis adult-use retail store in Massachusetts? We understand that the licensing process can be daunting, time-consuming, and filled with complex regulations that require meticulous attention to detail and unwavering compliance.

Your Cannabis Business
Strategy Partner

We have years of cannabis industry experience, and as your strategic partner, we are here to collaborate with you to systemize, organize, and plan for what’s next! No matter where you are in the process of opening your own cannabis business, or if you haven’t even started yet, we can guide you through all of the steps from inception and beyond. We will help you identify your pain points and deficiencies at a management level and help you fix them while creating synergy with your team and customers. We will keep your business objectives focused and give you analytical and strategic insight to help your business succeed.

We Have The Knowledge And Experience You Are Looking For To Set You On The Right Track.

At THE CLARITY ops, we leverage our exclusive expertise as both cannabis business owners and operators, and we use that expertise to help others achieve their desired level of success. Because we have also been where you are at one point, we learned the pain points and we learned the solutions, and have helped many cannabis business owners like yourself get on the right track.

Business Owners Shouldn’t Have To Work Non- Stop And Do Everything Themselves

Many business owners are working over 40 hours a week, and it can be due to reasons such as not having the proper tools for efficiency, not having a clear vision or plan, and simply not knowing “what’s next.” The overwhelm sets in, and you take on EVERYTHING because you either lack the team, confidence in someone else being able to complete the tasks adequately or know and define OUR PRODUCTS precisely what the next step is. I know, because I’ve been there, my partners have been there, and other friends and business owners have also been where you are.

It didn’t click at first for me, but there was no going back once it did. Changes had to be made, and efficiency and leadership had to prevail.

I know you are spending entirely too much time trying to juggle it all; trust me, I’ve been there.

I was so frustrated working IN my business day in and day out while unable to work ON my business to scale and grow. I knew at the time I lacked the expertise to do some of the tasks I was performing. However, I also lacked the clarity to know exactly what had to be done next, and I stumbled onto tasks out of necessity and reactiveness rather than proactiveness. Working on too many unfocused tasks at once took so much time away from my family and doing the things I love, which were the reasons I wanted to be a business owner in the first place!

At first, I didn’t realize that there were many ways to be more purposeful with my time, more efficient, and more systemic, to get the freedom I wanted to be with my family more while working ON instead of IN my business. I finally refocused my energies by concentrating on my mission, my vision, and my values. In the process, I gained the mastery, wisdom, and clear-thinking methods that allowed me to do this over and over in my new ventures.

Over time I watched many other business owners struggle to get their passion back for what they had envisioned their business to be. They worked too many hours with little to no time left to be with those they love or do the things they love. I watched as businesses they thought were profitable suddenly were closed or bankrupt, but how? They were spending so much time, energy, and effort, and they did not see the results they wanted.

Because of this, I decided that it was time to put my expertise to good use and put that fire within myself to work by doing something that energizes me!

I’m here simply because I love watching the value of what I provide become a reality and a success story. Nothing animates me more than knowing my expertise, and yours has helped your business level up and flourish. I’m here to tell you that together we can:

Bring balance to your work and personal life without sacrificing the success of your business.

Come up with a clear plan that focuses your energy on the RIGHT objectives and goals.

Give clarity to aspirations, projects, and tasks that will help you see the big picture and give you the direction you need to get there.

Reduce the overwhelm in your business (and frustrations)

Set you back on the VISIONARY track so that you can start working ON your business

How Do My Services, Leadership, And Strategy Benefit You?

I have many years of hands-on cannabis industry experience as an owner of multiple cannabis businesses myself. My mission is to help you, as a business owner or executive, approach c- suite challenges with a renewed sense of focus, direction, and clarity. Leveraging my experience working with 7 and 8 figure businesses, we identify the fastest, most efficient method of accomplishing your goals and shoring up organizational deficiencies.

Right now, you are working long hours and long weeks. You are taking on many different tasks and wearing many different hats, but there is no clear plan, and you are just rolling with the punches. Your systems, processes, workflows, SOPs, and automations need either a revamp or to be established. After hiring me to come on board as your strategic partner, we will have

What Is The Process

First, we have a discovery call. In this call, we will briefly discuss your business, who you are as an owner, what your pain areas are and what you need help with, and how you currently work. The discovery call will not only help us both know if we are a good fit for a strategic partnership, but it will also help us discover exactly what type of service is best suited to your needs.

If we are a good match, we will then schedule a Strategic Mapping Model™ session. We start with two to three 60-minute sessions to go into your business more in-depth, identify your operational deficiencies and map out your quarterly action plan. In the first session, we dive into your mission, vision, and values for your business. Your mission, vision, and values hold the foundation for the tasks you should be working on, giving you clarity. The following sessions map out the plans, giving you the direction.

The third step is project-based. After we learn your business and its needs, we can start implementing the projects we need to work on. I offer different service-based projects depending on your business and requirements, or we can outsource to your team if appropriate. Here we create the accountability for each task and provide the leadership to ensure your team is performing so that you may focus on your vision.

What’s stopping you? Do you want your business to be less overwhelming and more successful? Book a call!

Hiring me to consult in your business is an investment in your company and will give you an ROI repeatedly.

My expertise focuses on experience, thought leadership, research, measurements, innovation, planning, and guidance.

our packages

Basic SOP Package


Essential SOPs for basic compliance and operational needs. Ideal for small busiensses or startups looking to establish fundamental operating procedures.

Included SOPs and Forms:

Basic SOP Package


Enhanced SOPs for comprehensive compliance and operational efficiency. Suitable for growing businesses seeking comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures.

Included SOPs and Forms:

Basic SOP Package


Advanced SOPs for optimal performance & regulatory adherence. Designed for businesses requiring customized Standard Operating Procedures with a focus on quality & compliance.

Included SOPs and Forms:

Basic SOP Package


Enterprise SOP Package: Harness the full potential of our SOP expertise with a comprehensive package covering all aspects of retail operations, ideal for large enterprises seeking maximum efficiency and compliance.

Included SOPs and Forms:

Specialized SOP Collections

Human Resources Essentials


Includes essential SOPs to manage employee relations, training, and confidentiality.

Included SOPs and Forms:

Inventory Management Bundle


Includes essential SOPs to manage employee relations, training, and confidentiality.

Included SOPs and Forms:

Accounting and Revenue Bundle


Features SOPs for vendor selection, cash management, and sales tax policy.

Included SOPs and Forms:

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