Packages and SOP Descriptions

Quality Assurance Bundle


Includes SOPs for maintaining high-quality standards and handling product recalls.

QUA101 – Quality Control and Assurance

This comprehensive SOP ensures your dispensary maintains high-quality standards and effectively manages product recalls to protect consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

Forms included with this SOP:

  • QUA101-1 Product Recall Request (Internal)
  • QUA101-2 Marijuana Product Recall Checklist
  • QUA101-3 Non-Marijuana Product Recall Checklist
  • QUA101-4 Recall Notification Template
  • QUA101-5 Return Recall Log Sheet
  • QUA101-6 Recall Notification Form

This bundle provides the essential tools and procedures to ensure your products meet high standards of quality and safety, and that you are prepared to handle any recalls efficiently and effectively.