Packages and SOP Descriptions

Standard SOP Package


Standard SOP Package: Elevate your operations with expanded SOPs designed to meet the growing needs of your business. 

Suitable for growing businesses seeking comprehensive standard operating procedures tailored to their industry.

Included SOPs: (All from Basic SOP Package plus)

ADM102 Electronics and Equipment Protocols

Included forms:

  • ADM102-1 Incident Report

Proper management of electronics and equipment is vital for efficient and secure store operations. This SOP offers guidelines on the maintenance, usage, and troubleshooting of electronic devices and equipment, including point-of-sale systems, surveillance systems, and communication tools.

COMP102 Regulatory Compliance Audit

Included forms:

  • COMP102-1 Audit Schedule Template
  • COMP102-2 Audit Plan Template
  • COMP102-3 Basic Audit Compliance Checklist Template

This SOP outlines the process for conducting regular compliance audits to ensure adherence to cannabis industry regulations. It includes guidelines for planning audits, creating audit checklists, documenting findings, and implementing corrective actions.

COMP101 Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

Included forms:


This SOP provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring compliance with cannabis industry regulations. It includes procedures for monitoring regulatory changes, conducting internal audits, maintaining documentation, and submitting required reports to regulatory authorities.

HR102 Training Requirements

Comprehensive training is essential to ensure staff members are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for their roles. This SOP outlines training requirements, including onboarding processes, job-specific training, and compliance training, facilitating staff development and maintaining regulatory compliance.

INV102 Inventory Counts

Included forms:

  • INV102-1 Inventory Reconcile Schedule
  • INV102-2 Inventory Count Sheet

Accurate inventory counts are essential for financial reporting and regulatory compliance. This SOP outlines procedures for conducting inventory counts, including cycle counting, physical inventory procedures, and reconciliation, ensuring inventory accuracy and minimizing discrepancies.

SEC102 Security

Included forms:

  • SEC102-1 Security Systems Details and Policies

Maintaining robust security measures is critical to protect assets, prevent theft, and ensure staff and customer safety. This SOP provides guidelines for implementing security protocols, including access control, alarm systems, video surveillance, and staff security training, safeguarding your cannabis retail establishment.

REV101 Sales and POS Procedures

Efficient sales and point-of-sale (POS) processes are crucial for a smooth customer experience. This SOP outlines sales procedures, including customer service protocols, cash handling, product returns, and compliance with age verification requirements, optimizing sales operations and ensuring regulatory compliance.